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​Adulting 101: Career Basics They Don't Teach in High School or College

This workshop serves as a great beginner’s guide to cover concepts and information high school and college students require most toto start their journey towards a career and self-sufficiency and a future success in the real world of work. Attendees will leave the workshop equipped with employability knowing how to apply for a job, read a job description, write a cover letter and resume. They will also have a knowledge of mastering an interview, interview follow-up, salary negotiation and great strategies for mastering the first 90 days on the job. Audience will leave with applicable knowledge to help them in their successful transition to adulthood on the job.This workshop serves as a great beginner’s guide to cover concepts and information high school and college students require most.​

R.I.S.E. U.P. @ Work: Conquering the First 90 Days & Beyond

This workshop is to prepare the attendee for the first 90 days on the job with the R.I.S.E. U.P. formula for job retention.  Tried-and-true methods and strategies for an extremely successful start to a new job.

SOFT SKILLS MATTER – TOP 10 Soft Skills to Get & Keep a Job

This workshop focuses on the soft skills that one must display for career success from interviewing, getting the job, and keeping the job.  Having this knowledge will empower audience to show up confidentially in an interview and know what is expected in a workplace setting.  â€‹


​Professionalism 100: Setting Yourself Up for Success in the Workplace​

This workshop focuses on the extreme basics of professionalism and how to show up to work in a way that garners respect from team members and leadership. The goal is to master business etiquette in knowing the social norms that are acceptable in a professional onsite and virtual work environment for workplace success.


​Get a Grip: The Power of a Firm Handshake​

This workshops sheds light on the reason handshakes originated, why having a powerful handshake is important and informs the proper etiquette that is expected to create the ‘perfect’ handshake experience which exudes confidence. Areas of focus: handshake history, the Talking Hand, body language, handshake etiquette, handshake demonstration.


​Navigating Your Career for Success
This workshop gives steps and strategies for navigating your career which involves making informed decisions, setting goals, adapting to change, and continuously learning and growing. Has a component of Dress for Success advice for in-person and virtual business settings. Action plan completed at end of workshop (time permitting).


The “I AM” Workshop: Knowing & Loving Who You Are and Living Life Joyfully

​Fun, interactive workshop that teaches self-love and self- acceptance for who you are right now.  There is a mantra that every participant will learn to remind them each day of how special and unique they truly are.  Optional: This workshop has a component at the end where a synergy board is created as a take-away to display for daily encouragement (similar to vision board activity).  


Bold, Brilliant, & B.R.A.V.E: 7 Power Skills You Need to Succeed in Life & Work​
This Empowering workshop is tailored for an all-female or all-male audience to discuss the top power skills that is needed to succeed in life and at work.  Each skill will go deeper in being empowered to be yourself, accept others, and learn to live harmoniously in a diverse world.  Displaying these power skills take boldness, brilliance, and a B.R.A.V.E. mindset. 



Life Prep for Parents: Preparing your older teen for new adult life and career

This workshop is tailored for parents to learn how to transition your older teen in to a world of adulthood.  These strategies will help ensure the parent has the accurate expectations, the guided steps to take to lead their teen in to the new world of “Adulting” which includes work. Parents will be empowered because they will have a step-by-step plan to show they C.A.R.E. through the C.A.R.E. formula for success.

Audience: Parents or guardians of Teens, New Adults, and Young Professionals.



The Vision Board Party is a powerful way to make your dreams more tangible and attainable by making a pictorial presentation of your vision in a fun or casual setting. The purpose for the goal setting workshop is to help attendees identify and clarify their goals, visualize these aspirations, and identify and manage setbacks while turning these goals into reality.  For either workshop, a board will be created by attendees with a collage of images, pictures, and words that serve as a physical representation of the goals you want to achieve and things you want to attract into your life.

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